Tuesday, March 24, 2009

God Sightings during Mission MyTown

Mission MyTown was awesome! If you have a story to share, please email me or comment on this blog! We will having a celebration service, Wednesday, March 25 at 6:30 p.m. to share what God did during Mission MyTown and the Nuevo Laredo Mission Trip.

On Friday, we had a group go again to help the ministry, Filling the Void! What an incredible opportunity we had to pray over individuals downtown. It was cool to see the willingness of our group to pray and meet the spiritual needs of those who are less fortunate than ourselves! It's amazing how God uses these opportunities to not only bless others, but He uses them to encourage and bless us!

John and Rebecca Williams and their two sons, Zac and Ethan, were able to hand out over 120 free hot chocolates and coffee at the River City Parks at the soccer fields as part of the servant evangelism day! They simply passed out cards that said, "God Loves You" and it also included info. about our church. People came to the concession area to collect their free hot chocolates/coffee! What a simple way to share the love of Christ!

We also had a great group on Saturday that came out to a home in Sapulpa and got so much accomplished and was able to share the love of Christ with a couple in our church! It was amazing to see the incredible attitudes of our church as they served with joyful hearts!

In an earlier blog post, I shared with you about our new brother in Christ. Well, he came to church on Sunday and he is so fired up about his new relationship that it is effecting his whole family. I talked with two of his family members today of the change they have seen in him and I am praying for these family members....again, I am blown away how God works!

Join us Wednesday night to hear more stories from Mission MyTown....in the next day or two I want to share some exciting things happening as a result of Mission MyTown!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Mission MyTown for Saturday

1. Servant Evangelism at RiverCity Parks in Sand Springs. Contact 671-6766. Will be giving out free drinks sharing the love of Christ.

2. 609 S. Poplar in Sapulpa...we are helping a great couple in our church
Bring "loppers", weedeaters, chainsaws, polesaws, rakes...wear gloves

Both begin at 8:30 a.m.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Zander in Nuevo Laredo

Wanted to pass this picture along--it's Alexander sharing his testimony after a drama----what an answer to prayer--you can find other pictures at http://www.awestar.org/ and look on the left side of the page under trip updates.
Update on Mission MyTown from Wednesday, March 18

Wow! What a great evening at Shannon Valley! We had approximately 130-150 people from our church and the Shannon Valley Community! Great food--burgers and briskets!

Ridgeway--thank you for coming out and loving on this community! You went beyond yourselves to share the love of Christ and that is our prayer--that they see Christ and desire Him!

We are starting to develop some great relationships through our partnership with Shannon Valley! It's great to see the same faces and see people being connected! Some of you have been a part of this ministry from the very beginning-over a year and a half ago--and we are seeing obstacles removed.

Thank you to everyone who helped set up, cook the meat, clean up, serve the food, play with the kids, and mingle with our new friends! I believe God was honored tonight!

If you have any stories, please email me at mike.lehew@ridgewaybaptist.com. My new brother in Christ that I shared about yesterday joined us tonight at the cookout as well. I am excited to see what God is going to do in his life.

What is coming up for the remainder of Mission MyTown:

Thursday---no official Mission MyTown activities, but still look for opportunities to share the love of Christ

Friday---Filling the void-ministering to the homeless.
Contact: Melissa Shepard
Meet at the church at 10:15 a.m.--arrive back at the church around 2 p.m. If you are meeting the group downtown, meet at the BOK Tower on the first street side(one way street). There may be free parking located near the Jazz Hall of Fame(be prepared to pay for parking)...when you go inside go up the escalator, take an immediate right and you will see an unmarked door by the UPS door). You will split into groups and hand out lunches and learn the ropes of this ministry.

Saturday--Servant Evangelism Project at River City Parks in Sand Springs
Contact: John Williams
Meet at 8:30 a.m. and plan on handing out simple cards that simply says God loves you. People can bring these by the concession stand to receive a free drink. For more information, please see John Williams

Code Ministry--we will go back to 609 S. Poplar in Sapulpa--bring chain saws, rakes, weed eaters. Meet at 8:30 a.m.--

Again, if you have any stories to share from this week, please email me at mike.lehew@ridgewaybaptist.com


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Update on Mission MyTown from Tuesday and Schedule for Wednesday

We had two groups go out today in the community. One group headed up by Cindy Sharp went to DaySpring Villa to minister through helping to clean up! We had a great group of men, women, and students go! They got a chance to be a blessing to the workers and women at the shelter and I'm sure they were blessed as well.

Today I had a divine encounter. The group going to DaySpring Villa was about to leave when a gentleman walked in and asked to speak to someone. Over the next 30-45 minutes he poured out his heart and he asked Christ into his life! What an amazing day for him and an amazing day for me. I am thankful for our new brother in Christ! I am hoping you will soon get to meet him.

Another group went to a house in Sapulpa to help some of our very own with some debris/tree removal! It was a great time! We removed quite a bit of debris which was quite a relief to the homeowners--what an incredible opportunity to give back to this couple who has given so much!We will be headed back to 609 S. Poplar in Sapulpa on Saturday at 8:30 a.m. till we get it finished!

What in incredible day! If you have not gotten a chance to be a part of Mission MyTown maybe you have had an opportunity to see God at work at your workplace. If you have a story either through Mission MyTown or your workplace, please email them to me at mike.lehew@ridgewaybaptist.com

We are in the process of getting stories from each of the days happenings and we will post them here as they come in.

Wednesdays Schedule:
For those that can, please meet us at 3 p.m. to get things rollin' for the cookout--cutting tomatoes, lettuce, onions, making koolaid, tea and water. We will head to Shannon Valley at 4 p.m. to begin setting up. We will need help making sure that the grounds are kept clean during the cookout as well.
Please park just east of the community--you will see the church van or bus along with John Williams white van. James Purcell is leading the charge in grilling the brisket and burgers.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Mission MyTown Schedule for Tuesday, March 17

Dayspring Villa: Meet at the church at 12:15; Ministry will be from 1 p.m.-5 p.m. Cindy Sharp will be the team lead.

Code Enforcement Ministry: we are waiting to hear back on an opportunity, so until then we will be headed to 609 S. Poplar in Sapulpa to help a couple in our church
Map: http://www.mapquest.com/mq/7-LmEsJDDS

Coming up on Wednesday: we will be headed to the Shannon Valley Community located between 51st and 61st on Hwy 97 on the west side of the road. The festivities will start around 4 p.m. We will need some people at the community hanging out and we will need some to help haul some tables and other things in preparation for the cookout which will start at 5:30 p.m.(thanks to Jess and Cassie for handing out the flyers). Inflatables will be there around 4:30 p.m.

There will be no evening activities at the church other than Financial Peace.

Picture Update from today, Monday, March 15 at Mission MyTown

What an incredible day of ministry! We had three ministry opportunities going throughout the day: our Senior Adults made blankets, we had a group downtown to help minister to the homeless, and another group help a family with their yard.
How proud I am of our senior ladies! What an incredible crew! About 14 ladies came together for lunch and ministry as they made baby blankets!
What a great day at Filling the Void. Micah Shepard got a chance to minister alongside his mom and in one particular conversation, they were talking with one of the gentlemen and he struck up a conversation with Micah. One of the guys that was showing them the ropes commented that up to that point when they had a conversation, very few words were said from this gentlemen, but he really opened and said more than at any other time and this was attributed to Micah.
Helping Lisa was a tremendous blessing to us today...the attitudes of all were incredible as we served the Lord with gladness. Through our conversations and actions and praying, we pray that Christ was exalted! For me personally, I enjoyed ministering alongside my family!
Thanks to everyone for coming out to share the love of Christ with our communities! Stay tuned for the plans for tomorrow!
Also....don't forget to check out the Awestar update and pictures at http://www.awestar.org/. You will see pictures of our students!

Pray for our Students who are with Awestar in Nueva Laredo
This picture is from the awestar website: in it can you spot Nick, Danielle, Megan, Merribeth, Mark and Alexander? Check out daily updates and pictures at www.awestar.org and go to trip updates.

They will be back on Saturday and will hopefully be able to share what God did in Mexico on Sunday morning during our lifegroup time at 9:30 a.m.!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Mission MyTown Update for Monday:
Mission MyTown is a ministry providing opportunities for families and LifeGroups to do ministry together in sharing the love of Christ with our communities.

Filling the Void: Monday meet at 10:15 a.m. and will carpool to downtown Tulsa
If you are meeting the group downtown, meet at the BOK Tower on the first street side(one way street). There may be free parking located near the Jazz Hall of Fame(be prepared to pay for parking)...when you go inside go up the escalator, take an immediate right and you will see an unmarked door by the UPS door). You will split into groups and hand out lunches and learn the ropes of this ministry.

Code Enforcement: Meet at 1427 East university in Sapulpa at 1 p.m.; You can bring trashbags, lawnmowers, tools to trim trees, rakes
What if I can't do the physical labor? How about coming and prayerwalking the neighborhood! Pray around the neighborhood!

Blanket Ministry: Meet at 10 a.m. at the church
If you would like to make baby blankets for DaySpring Villa and local hospitals join this group to make a difference. Bring food for a potluck lunch.

Please be in prayer as we share the love of Christ with our communities!

Thursday, March 05, 2009

New 7th Day Slumber Video