Tuesday, March 24, 2009

God Sightings during Mission MyTown

Mission MyTown was awesome! If you have a story to share, please email me or comment on this blog! We will having a celebration service, Wednesday, March 25 at 6:30 p.m. to share what God did during Mission MyTown and the Nuevo Laredo Mission Trip.

On Friday, we had a group go again to help the ministry, Filling the Void! What an incredible opportunity we had to pray over individuals downtown. It was cool to see the willingness of our group to pray and meet the spiritual needs of those who are less fortunate than ourselves! It's amazing how God uses these opportunities to not only bless others, but He uses them to encourage and bless us!

John and Rebecca Williams and their two sons, Zac and Ethan, were able to hand out over 120 free hot chocolates and coffee at the River City Parks at the soccer fields as part of the servant evangelism day! They simply passed out cards that said, "God Loves You" and it also included info. about our church. People came to the concession area to collect their free hot chocolates/coffee! What a simple way to share the love of Christ!

We also had a great group on Saturday that came out to a home in Sapulpa and got so much accomplished and was able to share the love of Christ with a couple in our church! It was amazing to see the incredible attitudes of our church as they served with joyful hearts!

In an earlier blog post, I shared with you about our new brother in Christ. Well, he came to church on Sunday and he is so fired up about his new relationship that it is effecting his whole family. I talked with two of his family members today of the change they have seen in him and I am praying for these family members....again, I am blown away how God works!

Join us Wednesday night to hear more stories from Mission MyTown....in the next day or two I want to share some exciting things happening as a result of Mission MyTown!

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