Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Update on Mission MyTown from Wednesday, March 18

Wow! What a great evening at Shannon Valley! We had approximately 130-150 people from our church and the Shannon Valley Community! Great food--burgers and briskets!

Ridgeway--thank you for coming out and loving on this community! You went beyond yourselves to share the love of Christ and that is our prayer--that they see Christ and desire Him!

We are starting to develop some great relationships through our partnership with Shannon Valley! It's great to see the same faces and see people being connected! Some of you have been a part of this ministry from the very beginning-over a year and a half ago--and we are seeing obstacles removed.

Thank you to everyone who helped set up, cook the meat, clean up, serve the food, play with the kids, and mingle with our new friends! I believe God was honored tonight!

If you have any stories, please email me at My new brother in Christ that I shared about yesterday joined us tonight at the cookout as well. I am excited to see what God is going to do in his life.

What is coming up for the remainder of Mission MyTown:

Thursday---no official Mission MyTown activities, but still look for opportunities to share the love of Christ

Friday---Filling the void-ministering to the homeless.
Contact: Melissa Shepard
Meet at the church at 10:15 a.m.--arrive back at the church around 2 p.m. If you are meeting the group downtown, meet at the BOK Tower on the first street side(one way street). There may be free parking located near the Jazz Hall of Fame(be prepared to pay for parking)...when you go inside go up the escalator, take an immediate right and you will see an unmarked door by the UPS door). You will split into groups and hand out lunches and learn the ropes of this ministry.

Saturday--Servant Evangelism Project at River City Parks in Sand Springs
Contact: John Williams
Meet at 8:30 a.m. and plan on handing out simple cards that simply says God loves you. People can bring these by the concession stand to receive a free drink. For more information, please see John Williams

Code Ministry--we will go back to 609 S. Poplar in Sapulpa--bring chain saws, rakes, weed eaters. Meet at 8:30 a.m.--

Again, if you have any stories to share from this week, please email me at


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