Monday, March 16, 2009

Picture Update from today, Monday, March 15 at Mission MyTown

What an incredible day of ministry! We had three ministry opportunities going throughout the day: our Senior Adults made blankets, we had a group downtown to help minister to the homeless, and another group help a family with their yard.
How proud I am of our senior ladies! What an incredible crew! About 14 ladies came together for lunch and ministry as they made baby blankets!
What a great day at Filling the Void. Micah Shepard got a chance to minister alongside his mom and in one particular conversation, they were talking with one of the gentlemen and he struck up a conversation with Micah. One of the guys that was showing them the ropes commented that up to that point when they had a conversation, very few words were said from this gentlemen, but he really opened and said more than at any other time and this was attributed to Micah.
Helping Lisa was a tremendous blessing to us today...the attitudes of all were incredible as we served the Lord with gladness. Through our conversations and actions and praying, we pray that Christ was exalted! For me personally, I enjoyed ministering alongside my family!
Thanks to everyone for coming out to share the love of Christ with our communities! Stay tuned for the plans for tomorrow!
Also....don't forget to check out the Awestar update and pictures at You will see pictures of our students!

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