Thursday, July 03, 2008

I have not been able to download any pictures orvideo....will try again later

The Drought is Over! (In More than One Way)

My 15 year drought is over. One of the things they do here at Falls Creek is the t-shirt contest. In my 15 years of going to Falls Creek we have never won or came close to winning the contest. Now think about this....there are approx. 100-150 churches we entered the contest and we won the award for BEST OVERALL T-shirt!

Very cool.....BUT.......that pales into comparison to what God is doing in the lives of our students. THE DROUGHT IS OVER IN MANY OF OUR STUDENTS' LIVES! We've had many students recommit their lives to Christ and last night one of our students, Mallory, invited Christ into her life!

The whole atmosphere has changed since Monday night since our struggle with the enemy and so I want to say thank you for praying. I'm not for sure what you guys did in church last night, but your praying this week has put an end to the drought of many of our students.

Our devotion/cabin time last night was absolutely cool! The worship was incredible! What was cool though was what happened afterwards. Before I tell you what happened, one thing we have tried to do is not have a plan...usually we have a specific plan, but we've intentionally not had a plan so that God can truly reign.

As soon as the worship was over one of our students Terrance M. asked if he could share a Scripture. Terrance really challenged the students and after that, student after student came and testified through Scripture and testimony! It was absolutely wonderful! It was a great encouragement to me as their youth pastor to see passion where there used to be no passion.

Parents, you would be proud of your students--they have ALL been great! I will post more later this afternoon because I want to share specifically what God is saying through the messages....if you have a chance listen to last nights message. Go to and then Falls Creek/Current Summer Downloads/Listen to the Service.

Continue to be in Prayer!



Marti Pieper said...


What a blessing to open this and see what God is doing!

Mike, Awe Star is so grateful for your and Ridgeway's ministry as well. You have been so gracious to host us, serve us, lead worship for us and so much more. I'm excited that a Pieper child is serving with 2 of yours in Peru--and that one is serving even closer than that!

Praying for you all and rejoicing in the great things God is doing at Falls Creek. Give Kristen E.P. hugs from her

ELM (aka Marti)

Mike, Youth Pastor said...

Thank you so much for praying for us! AWESOME WEEK!


Anonymous said...

that was a great night... i was very excited to see this i had to get over myself cause it was some reduntant(if i spelled that right) but it was great to hear the(us) students hearts and what was really on their mind... we sometimes keep ourselves sheltred from the adults cause we think they might not get our idea and judge us but that night we really got over it and told our thoughts what was in our hearts... I LOVED IT!! you know mike its gonna get even more extreme once we get the theme "REVOLUTION" started it will be great..and i will help