Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Falls Creek Update Wednesday, July 2

Hello again Parents and Church! We had a great day yesterday! Pastor Scott and Brian V. made it in yesterday afternoon. I am so grateful for our pastor...we are very blessed as a church to have Scott. Scott has always been so supportive of our students.

Parents, you will not believe this, but for us this is a first......drum roll please...........the guys won the Tuesday Edition of Dorm Wars! Not that it was perfect, but our guys won! Interesting enough you'll see the picture of the shrine of beauty products on our girls side....quite funny!

Our students played softball and volleyball yesterday afternoon.....our softball team played their hearts out, but lost. Our girls volleyball team won their first game!!! Wahoo!!

Our prayer this weeek is that students will "Be Still and Know that He is God". One of the ways is through teaching our students what a daily quiet time is. Please pray that
our students through this time will fall in love with Christ and His Word. Pray that the Word of God will bring refreshment and encouragement to the lives of our students.

Last night was a great night of worship! Darren Spoo, the speaker for our evening worship services challenged us out of John 1. He challenged us with the question: What kind of shoe are U in the context of your relationship with Christ? He brought out four pairs of shoes:
1. Fuzzy Slippers--fuzzy shoes are comfortable....are you tooo comfortable in your walk with Christ? Has it become just another thing to do?
2. High Heeled Shoes--high heeled shoes are tight and uncomfortable(not that I would know--but that's what the ladies say). Those who have a high heeled shoe relationship with Christ is characterized by being tight and uncomfortable--more about rules than a relationship.
3. Sunday Shoes--Sunday Shoes are shoes you wear once a week. those who have a Sunday Shoe relationship with Christ is characterized by an affair one day a week--your relationship with Christ is not a lifestyle but an hour or two.
4. Dress Up Shoes--he compared this to his children wearing his shoes for dress up. Dress up Shoes relationship with Christ is when you have not made your faith your own--you are living your parents faith.

So I ask, "Which one are You?" In our family group last night we added one more: Work Boots. People who have a Work Boot relationship focus so much on the doing that they rarely experience God. To be honest this is one I struggle with...I sometimes get so busy doing that I miss God, but I would say at the same time I also experience God through the serving....I see God change lives!

None of these shoes adequately describe or characterize what a true relationship with God looks like. The Bare Foot--no shoes is more of what a true relationship is---coming to Christ as we are with all of our imperfections and following Him.

God is up to something here. There are many students that are thinking. There are some students who know God in their mind, but not in their heart. Could you pray that would know in their heart that He is God?

We had a few students make decisions last night and I will share more either later today or tomorrow, but want to adequately follow up. God is doing work in the lives of our students and our adults.

Will try again to post pictures later today. Please pray for Pam V. as she makes her way here today to help cook! I love our cooks--it really is the hardest job of them all--Jennifer and Jana are wonderful! Thank you also for praying for Rachel B.--she is feeling better!

In Christ,

*Don't forget to also pray for our AWESTAR and China missionaries!
*Feel free to leave any comments and we will share those with the students!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Again, Mike, I want to say how much I appreciate you taking the time to update those of us who aren't able to be there with you all. I know how busy you are, so Thank you!! I have been looking forward to reading this all day!!! I wish I could be there!!!! Well, I will be coming after work Thurs. evening, and I will stay until you all leave on Saturday morning. Say hi to everyone for me, and I look forward to seeing you all on Thurs. evening (late) Say hi to Gabba for me!! :-) Lena