Tuesday, July 01, 2008

China Update from Mandi

I just received this from Mandi who is teaching English as Second Language. Keep praying for her!

Hello! Thank you all so much for the emails and prayers! I started my first day of teaching today. I thought it went really well! It was pretty much a day to get to know the kids and lay down the ground rules. They are really cute children and most of them were very sweet. I only got through about half what I had planned, but I'd rather it be that way then run out of things to do:)

The Dallas Baptist students got here on Saturday. They are teaching elementary school this summer. There are about 25 of them. I have gotten to hang out with them and join in some worship services. They are all very nice and quick to include me. There are some very servant-hearted people in that group and I think I could make some good friends. I feel fortunate and humbled to be a part of such a great group. I am praying for a teachable spirit.

I don't think the DBU team is quite as adventurous in their eating as I am. They went out for pizza last night:) But a few of us stayed and went to a Chinese place nearby. The cafeteria food has been interesting, to say the least, but we're getting by;) Sorry I haven't been able to send any pictures yet. I don't have a place to hook up my computer to the internet, but hopefully I will soon.

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