Friday, July 04, 2008

The Devil Prowls Around Like a Roaring Lion

I write this not to give the devil any credit because he truly is a moron, but I write this to ask you to pray. Usually at the heels of victory many times there are obstacles or defeat right around the corner. I am reminded by Elijah and his victory over the Baal prophets on Mt. Carmel and immediately after that astonishing victory, he was defeated by depression. In a sense this is what we battled a little bit yesterday.

The mix of being tired and Satan's desire to destroy us proved much fodder for him, but I must say that today we are doing well. It is a new day and Christ lives in us. Jesus who is in us is greater than he(Satan) that is in the world.

Even in the midst of the battle, many victories were won. One of the things we do in our cabin devotions is we meet in our family groups and share what God did during the day and share what decisions were made during the service. Many of our students recommitted their life to was a great victory--praise the Lord.

Could you pray for the continued moving of the Holy Spirit today? Through the tiredness of us all may we stay focused to hear from God.

I love our students---they have been so great this week. We've seen many walls be torn down and drought driven lives turned to Christ. It's been an amazing week.

Parents, the lives of your students have been changed by the power of Jesus Christ. What preparations do you need to make in your home and in your life when your student returns? You should be so proud of your students! Can I gve you a couple of suggestions?

1. Know Jesus--Invite him to be Savior of your life. If your home is not filled with the presence of Jesus Christ it will make it more dificult for your teenager to stay strong in following Christ.

2. Start praying for your students as a parent and then as a family! Pray for God's protection over them.

3. Get plugged into church. Your students have taken some bold steps this week, why not you? How about you stepping out of your comfort zone and providing the spiritual leadership for your students. Allow our church to partner with you as a parent.

4. Ask them how their week went--ask them if they made a decision for Christ Don't just let them go to sleep when they get to them!

5. Join us Wednesday, July 9 as we celebrate what God has done.

Can I speak heart to heart? Parents, church.....if you do not Christ as your Lord and Savior--today is your day.....KNOW that Jesus died on the cross for your sins. This thing that we do is not a crutch nor is it just another activity nor is it religion......Jesus is our hope, He is our Messiah, and Lord. There will come a day when we will all have answer for our lives. We seem to think that we have all the time in the world, but you never know when your time will come. There is a 100% chance that you are going to die...then what? Will you be able to talk your way into heaven....Will you be able to get into heaven because you're a good person?
The only right answer is Jesus. Jesus said, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life....No one comes to the Father except through me." There is no other way to get to heaven(even if Oprah tells us differently)
As we have been challenged all week--will you FOLLOW Christ? Jesus loves you so much! I'm speaking on behalf of our students and I'm hoping that they will share with you when they get home, but for the sake of your own soul, come to Christ! I urge you and plead with you!

How do you ask Christ into your life?
Through praying:
Admit that you are a Sinner(For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God)
Believe that Jesus died on the cross for your sins and he rose again
Commit your life to Him--die to yourself

If you have any questions, wait for us at the church on Saturday and we woul love to chat with you!

Parents, thank you for allowing your students to join us this week! They have ALL been great--it has been a joy! We have had incredible sponsors and cooks!

May God Bless You! See you tomorrow between 11 and noon. We will call when we get to Oklahoma City to give you an idea of when we will be arriving!

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