Saturday, July 05, 2008

We are Back!
What a great week! Yesterday we had a great day of worship, fun and more worship! I want to say thank you to all of our sponsors and cooks: Hillary Atkinson, Megan Dobrinski, Shawna Mattes, Jana Purcell, Kristen Pieper, Sarah Lehew, Greg McMullen, James Purcell, Chris Matthews, Bob Thomason, Brian Shepard, Brandon Helscel, Jennifer Grant, Jana Foley, Pam Vallett, and Lena Mohney!

Our cooks won 2nd place for their meat dish: Subtle Butt(a.k.a. Roast)--ask your students about subtle butt :) They did such a great job! The food was tremendous!

A HUGE THANK YOU to Brian, Chris, Jake, and Amber for leading us in nightly worship---you guys are great! Thanks for your ministry to us during the week!

Also thank you to our students who helped to stay back and clean the cabin while everyone went home: Brittany, Kristen, Katie, Danielle, Andrea, Jacob, Nick, James, and Brian and Kristen! You guys did wonderful.

Overall we saw God do amazing things: One student gave their life to Christ, 5 students feel called to ministry, and we saw many students--over half of our students reconnect and recommit their lives to Christ!

We will be sharing what God did on Wednesday, July 9 at 6:30 a.m., so parents, I hope you will join us!

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