Monday, September 24, 2007

Congratulations Anabel!
You can check out Anabel's story at and read more about her battle with cancer.

Saturday, we got to celebrate her being in remission! What an honor to celebrate with her. The thing I love about Anabel is her smile---what an encouragement...I know these last few years have been difficult for her and her family, but Saturday was an incredible highlight for us to see as she had such a great time with her friends, cousins, and family!

Congratulations, Anabel!

"Give thanks to the Lord and proclaim His greatness. Let the whole world know what He has done. Sing to Him; yes, sing His praises. Tell everyone about His wonderful deeds. Exult in His holy name; rejoice, you who worship the Lord!
Psalm 105:1-3

Friday, September 21, 2007

Blowing Chunks

This past Wednesday night we found the greatest game off of the internet for our students called Happy Meal. The whole idea is to see who can eat a Happy Meal the quickest with one catch--the fries, burger, and drink are all blended together before they are "drank".

We had three contestants-Rachel, Mark, and John. Rachel swigged hers down real well and won the competition. John barely drank any of his while Mark tried yet spewed back into his cup. While all of this was happening, I was gagging--about to fully blow chunks.

They all sat down--they received a t-shirt for the mess they had to go through. All of the other students loved it though.

Well, I got up there and they told me I needed to take a drink. Thinking, "I can do this," I picked up one of the cups, but I didn't know that the cup I picked up was the one in which Mark spewed in-AAAAAARRRRRRGGGGHHHH!

Nobody tried to stop me, but I did see the horrors on their face as I took a drink of the Mcdonald's Barf. Not only did I gag, but started to Barf....I had to finish my barfing across from the youth room. The students sure got a good laugh out of it!

All for the love of Students!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Good News because of the GOOD NEWS!

This past week Hannah asked Jesus into her life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so pumped! We were doing our family devotions using "The Way of the Master". After reading the ten commandments and coming to the conclusion that we have all sinned, we read, "If judgement day were today, would you go to heaven or hell?"
As my direction was pointed toward Noah, out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Hannah was crying. Huge tears were coming. For the first time, Hannah realized she was sinner and without Christ she was lost. She must have cried for about 30 minutes. The conviction of the Holy Spirit was so evident.
Confirmation of her decision came the next day when she asked Sarah, "What's next...what do I do next?" This gave us the opportunity to talk about her relationship with Christ and baptism.
I've been praying for so long that God would draw her near.
Sarah and I have been so careful in how we talk with our kids about salvation. One thing is we wanted it to be all God and not us. There would have been many times where we could have asked, "Would you like to ask Jesus into your life?" She would have said yes and it would been us, not the Holy Spirit drawing her to Himself.

God is so God. We continue to pray for Noah, Grace, and Elijah.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

"I Would Die For You" Book

Pre-order Brent and Deanna Higgins book, "I Would Die for You"

at, or You can check out Brent's blog at

You will be challenged by the story of Brent and Deanna's son, who after coming home from the mission field, contracted a deadly virus.

I met Brent and Deanna earlier this year and had a chance to go with Brent to Mexico for few days on a short mission trip. What an incredible couple! As I have read his blog, I have been so encouraged and so challenged. To read the words of BJ, a fifteen year old, you will be challenged to GO.

Please be in prayer for them this month. It will be two years since BJ went Home to be with Jesus on September 26.

Congratulations to my brother

My brother Bobby, is the director of operations at Robyn Promotions( They were named to the Inc. 5000 list of fastest growing private companies in the country. Bobby has been with Robyn since almost the very beginning. Congrats, bro.!

Oklahoma City, OK (PRWEB) August 27, 2007 -- Robyn, a full-service print and promotions fulfillment company, was named to the Inc. 5000 list of fastest-growing private companies in the country. The Inc. 5000, an extension of Inc. magazine's annual Inc. 500 list, catches many businesses that are too big to grow at the pace required to make the Inc. 500, as well as host of smaller firms. Taken as a whole, these companies represent the backbone of the U.S. economy.

Mervyn Hackney, President at Robyn said, "It is an honor to be recognized as one of the fastest growing companies in the U.S. Our growth is a testament to our incredible staff plus the addition of large businesses that entrust us to help manage their branded materials. We are indebted to both for our success."
Bobby Lehew, Director of Operations at Robyn said, "We have such a unique business concept, unparalleled in the printing and promotional products industry, that allows us to create printed and promotional materials for companies but also to close the loop and help manage these branded materials all the way through to distribution. With our creative capabilities and our advanced eCommerce Company Stores, businesses and organizations have entrusted us to manage their materials so they can focus on other priorities. The fact that the market is beginning to catch hold of this one-of-a-kind concept is very exciting for us."
The 2007 Inc. 5000 list measures revenue growth from 2003 through 2006. To qualify, companies had to be U.S.-based and privately held, independent - not subsidiaries or divisions of other companies - as of December 31, 2006, and have had at least $200,000 in revenue in 2003, and $2 million in 2006.

You can check out Bobby's website at