Friday, September 21, 2007

Blowing Chunks

This past Wednesday night we found the greatest game off of the internet for our students called Happy Meal. The whole idea is to see who can eat a Happy Meal the quickest with one catch--the fries, burger, and drink are all blended together before they are "drank".

We had three contestants-Rachel, Mark, and John. Rachel swigged hers down real well and won the competition. John barely drank any of his while Mark tried yet spewed back into his cup. While all of this was happening, I was gagging--about to fully blow chunks.

They all sat down--they received a t-shirt for the mess they had to go through. All of the other students loved it though.

Well, I got up there and they told me I needed to take a drink. Thinking, "I can do this," I picked up one of the cups, but I didn't know that the cup I picked up was the one in which Mark spewed in-AAAAAARRRRRRGGGGHHHH!

Nobody tried to stop me, but I did see the horrors on their face as I took a drink of the Mcdonald's Barf. Not only did I gag, but started to Barf....I had to finish my barfing across from the youth room. The students sure got a good laugh out of it!

All for the love of Students!

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