Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Protecting our Churches from Sexual Abuse

This is an excerpt from Sarah's site, but these are my sentiments exactly as well:

I praise God for the people in my church. How thankful I am for them. This weekend we had a conference at our church. The topic was a toughy--sexual abuse in the church. That's a topic that no one wants to hear about or deal with. Who would give up their Saturday for that? I'll tell you who! Well over 100 people went to it-- youth workers, children's workers, volunteers and paid workers alike. How thankful I am for that. I felt like these people have stood up and said to me," I care about your children and I want to protect them." I'm sure it just wasn't for my four children they all came, but I feel like it. Realizing that the church is the most unprotected institute for sexual predators, I'm so grateful my church took action. According to Church Mutual, there is at least one sexual misconduct complaints each day in religious institutions and at least ten a week in just the churches that Church Mutual does business with? I'm thankful for all the things my church is doing to fight it.

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