Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Swimming Against the World Culture and Church Culture

"Do not treat my holy name as common and ordinary. I must be treated as holy...." Leviticus 22:32

This Scripture sure combats the Jesus is My Homeboy cultural phenomenon that we have seen as of late. What would it mean for me(us) to treat God has holy? What would that look like? I would appreciate your thoughts.
Not only in our culture have we made Jesus our Homeboy, but to a degree we have made Jesus our Homeboy in the church in North America-we are more interested in fearing man than fearing God, more interested in bringing in people rather than bringing out God, more interested in food than fasting, more interested in reaching people rather than evangelizing, more interested in us becoming more famous rather than God.
Pardon my rant, but these are thoughts that I am trying to put action towards and I'm wrestling with this whole relevance issue....I guess the question I have is through trying to make everything relevant are we missing out on treating God as holy and fearing him? Sometimes as a pastor, as much as I don't want to be, I feel like I am in a box...one that I have made for myself and in my very own ranting, I feel as though I have at many times contributed to the above paragraph. I condemn myself.
More later..............

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