Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Monday/Tuesday Update from Studentlife Chicago
Let me give you scoop on the pictures above first:
1. This is some of our students standing in line for dinner: Austin, Alex, Amber, and the back of Jake's head. The food is absolutely fantabulous. Wheaton has the 2nd best food cafeteria in the nation---lucky us!
2. Williams Random Pic of the Day--we will do a Williams Random Pic each day for your viewing pleasure.
3. Like I said before, Wheaton has the 2nd best food cafeteria in the nation--not so good for me...since yesterday morning Immodium AD and Kaoepectate has become a close friend of mine. It's not because of the food here--It all started yesterday morning. I am feeling a little better today--praise the Lord for Immodium and Kaopectate! (Did you know that diarrhea is hereditary? It runs in your "jeans"! :)
4. The Humanitarian Service Project is where we are serving this week. They are a non-profit organization that reaches out to senior citizens and children. They provide birthday gifts for over 1200 children each year and so we had an opportunity to wrap gifts for these children. They also deliver groceries to over 115 Senior Adults and 100 needy families. (See below about our day)
5. This is a picture of our group wrapping gifts. I was amazed at the gifts of our group in wrapping---I for one thing do not have that gift(ask my wife) and so I was the designated bow person.
It's been a good week to just be still. The worship is incredible and the teaching is great. It's interesting that last nights message was very similar to what we have been talking about at Ridgeway in regards to hearing God's voice. An interesting point that Darrin made was that in Psalm 119:105, it says, "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path." Note, it does not say a trucklight or a floodlight, but a lamp...the lamp illuminates the here and now--not the future meaning that following Jesus and His Word is step by step and day by day. He wants us to cling to him on a minute by minute basis.
We had a great day on our mission project....we have been able to meet a few people--pray that our conversations would flow with grace and love towards the people who work at the Humanitarian Service Project. It is not a religious organization, so there is great opportunity for us to impact those who work the the Project. So, could you pray for us in this regard? We will go back tomorrow so please be praying for us between the hours of 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.
PARENTS: YOU CAN GO TO WWW.STUDENTLIFE.COM AND GO DOWN TO FIND YOUR STUDENT AT CAMP, CHECK WHEATON AND THEN LISTEN LIVE. You can email your student or send a gift card or listen to the services live, check out pictures or the Studentlife Blog
Hope everyone is having a great week! Will post more tomorrow!


ChildOfGod said...

im so proud of all you guys!! again rock it out there!


ChildOfGod said...

oh and mike this is funny everywhere i go whether im doing my devotional or hearing it from you i seem to be hearing alot of psalm 119 i thought it was interesting... man i wish i could be with you guys