Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Update from Studentlife Chicago Wednesday
Pic #1: Caleb Holding up the Bling Bling
We are in a group of other churches and our name is Gold Rush---we have a little cheer that we do before we go to our mission site
Pic #2: Crazy Pic at our Mission Site
Pic #3: Group Pic at Wheaton after morning celebration
Pic #4: Holders of the Key: Austin and Jacob--these guys are responsible for making sure all of our supplies/food are ready to go before we leave for our mission site.
Pic #5: Williams Random Pic of the Day: Enjoying the food at the #2 rated cafeteria in nation
Got a chance to meet more people at our mission site. A great group of people who are doing a great thing for their community. It's cool to see how relationships form just through serving. Please pray tomorrow specifically for Nicci as she will have an opportunity to take on of our new good friends out to lunch--what an incredible ministry opportunity.
Just want to say I am so thankful for our two adult sponsors: Jeff and Nicci---they really love students. What a great investment they have made in our students this week.
Our students have been wonderful and have done such a fantastic ministry this week and is allowing the Holy Spirit to mold them. One thing that has been stressed this week is that we are not just doing this to get a pat on the back or doing these things to get a warm fuzzy which is what happens many times, but that we are allowing Christ to change our thinking and for us to realize that much of our ministry should happen outside of a time schedule....sometimes we think that we can only do ministry when the church sanctions it or it is scheduled, but true ministry is an overflow of the heart.
This week I am reminded that we are teh flesh and blood of Jesus alive in the world through the Holy Spirit. I am reminded that I am God's hands, feet, and ears.
This week, I have been reading a book called, "Irresistable Revolution" by Shane Claiborne and it is very intriguing. Want to share one quote that has stuck with me this week:
"....some time back we have stopped living Christianity and just started studying it." I find it sometimes easy to study the Word and not allow it to be digested. How about you? Are you living Christianity or are you just studying it?
Have a great evening!
Wise words from Nick: Please help me....William is a bully :)
Can someone from Ridgeway come and save Nick? Tune in tomorrow for the latest...........

1 comment:

ChildOfGod said...

i would totally come down to chicago not to save you nick but.. LOL jk been praying for you guys!