Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Falls Creek Update-Tuesday Morning, July 1

Good morning parents and church! We had a great day yesterday--only one snag with the transportation--we had to switch our charter bus at our lunch stop--it was a very smooth transition. We arrived at Falls Creek around 1:45 p.m. and got a chance to sing Happy Birthday to Elizabeth--she was a presented with a gift--"I Would Die for You" by Brent and Deanna Higgins--the story of BJ Higgins(www.prayforbj.com) who gave his life for Christ. Elizabeth is new with us this year, so it was a great opportunity for everyone to get to know her.

The students had an opportunity to go swimming and to the different ropes courses before dinner. Each student is in a family group led by one of our sponsors. Would you pray that through these family groups each of our students get connected this week? We've got a great group of students!

Also, please pray for one of our young ladies, Rachel. She has a sore throat and is not feeling well this morning. We took her to the clinic yesterday, but the doctor was not there--we will try again this morning. Just pray that she will be back to normal this afternoon after getting some rest.

Please pray for focus. Last night there seemed to be some sort of spiritual obstacle , not from students but from the enemy. We had our cabin devotions planned out, but changed them due to a sense that the enemy was trying to keep us from focusing. Last night in our cabin devotions, our theme was EXAMINATION using the Scripture from Psalms 139:23,24, "Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life." So essentially through this Scripture and speaking it, we were giving the Holy Spirit permission to step on our toes--to reveal anything that offends Him. As Brian asked us to pray, it seemed to be the turning point for the evening.This along with the worship was a turning point to becoming focused.

We asked the students and I ask you, "What Kind of Sheep are U?" Everyone falls into one of these three categories:
a. You are a goat, not a sheep(Read Matthew 25:31-46 and John 10)
Do you know Christ as Lord and Savior--not just do you say it but do you live it? Has there been a point in time where you gave your life to Christ? Unfortunately, according to the Scripture, if you have not done this you will be cast into the eternal fire(v. 41)
b. You are a sheep, but not following Christ
This is a difficult sentence as we explained tonight because in our church culture it seems we can justify anything and try to fit everything under the heading of being a believer. Essentially are you following or not...He's either Lord or He is not--there really is no in between although in our American culture we have added a category to make us feel "safe". (Romans 6:1-2)
c. You are a sheep on the heels after Christ following diligently behind Him
Are you following Christ as best you know how? Is He the center of your life?

What kind of sheep are U?

After our worship time, the family groups met to dive further into these three points along with talking about how they are doing. It was a great time of sharing and praying for one another.

We got to bed about 12:05 p.m. Man, our guys did great in getting to sleep--so kudos to our guys.

We have an incredible group this week. Today is our first full day and will be eating breakfast shortly. We have two incredible cooks--Jennifer G. and Jana F.--Pam V. will be joining the team tomorrow!

I will try to post some pictures later today and may see if we can get a video posted as well. You can check out last nights evening service at www.skopos.org .....go to Falls Creek/Current Camp Materials/Evening Service.

Also, keep praying for our AWESTAR and China missionaries this week!

Jacob sends out a shout out to his family--Woot, Woot! Zachary says hi mom in Kansas!

Thank you for praying!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for the update. It makes my having to stay home a little better. I like reading about what's gone on throughout the day. I look forward to your next posting!
Lena :-)