Saturday, April 12, 2008

Hannah Turns 10 Years Old!

I cannot believe, Hannah-my oldest, turned ten! Tonight, she had five friends over and they had pizza, birthday cake, and then went to the movies.

She is becoming a young woman of God--something that I have prayed for a long time. Hannah is very simple--much like her mother. She is okay with who she is. She's a great friend and loves people. She thinks of others before she thinks of herself. She loves to laugh. She does a great job at setting an example for her brothers and sisters for the most part. She spends time in the Word. She loves reading--for her birthday, she wanted a library card(can you believe that--how awesome is that?) to the Tulsa Library.

As I write this and as I said at the beginning of this particular blog, I realize how much she is like her mom. What a testimony of Sarah's faithfulness. It is true that our children watch us--I'm thankful for the great example Hannah has in Sarah.
I must say that for me as I reflect on these past ten years, I am blessed by my daughter Hannah. I pray that God continues to guide and direct her for the mission field.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

She's already 10! Its awesome to see your kids grow up from when I used to know them. I think I'd like one of them mandles also.