Monday, April 14, 2008

Are you a "Peculiar" Person?

A thought provoking blog by my friend, Brent Higgins. Check it out at: on the Monday, April 14th. Just a glimpse:

Are we "peculiar?"
Have we come out from the world and been separated by our choices? Do the things we do really reflect well on our Savior? Have we become so comfortable with the world that we allow pictures of ourselves doing that which can only be construed in some sense to be "self-gratifying" because they don't point to Jesus, to represent who and what we stand for to the extent that we post them for others to see?

If who we are cannot be seen in brief glimpses into our lives, there is nothing peculiar about us. If we are truly following Him, if we have really come out from the world and been separated, then our peculiarity will be revealed in ways other than how we choose to eat our cereal.

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