Saturday, January 12, 2008

India/Nepal Mission Trip
I will be leaving to India/Nepal this Monday, January 14 through January 29. The first week we will be in India where we will attend a conference of believers! It should be quite exciting to meet brothers and sisters in Christ! Pray for a harvest because I know for some time they have been praying for a revival and many unbelievers will be there at this conference. You can check out more information on the specifics.

The second week we will be ministering in Nepal. We have partnered with another local church to reach an unreached people group for the Gospel. Please pray for us as we do chronological bible storytelling! It's going to be a great opportunity.

Please be in prayer for my family as I am gone. I'm hoping to give occasional updates and can check these out by going to and then go to Trip Updates and then click on RidgewayIndia2008. Again, I'm not for sure if I'll have access, but am hoping to keep everyone updated.
Thank you for your prayers!

1 comment:

Esther Bowman said...

Just wanted to say...keep up the good work! I am a person who recently returned from a missions trip to India. May God continue to bless all of those who desire to spread His gospel in that country! :)