Saturday, January 05, 2008

Let Me Tell You What God Did in Nueva Laredo Part 2
Andrew and I practicing for the drama: FREEDOM

We started early in the morning learning the drama on December 27. I was cast as a good knight. My fighting partner was Andrew.

A God sized thing happened on Day 2. Groups have to have a permit in order to go and perform in public. To that point, there were about 40 groups including us asking the governmental authority to perform in public. They initially turned down all 40 groups. Walker and Jorge, our interpreter went and talked with the authorities and still turned us down. We prayed, they prayed and one of the authorities said that he had seen the drama and then approved us doing the drama! What a miracle!

We got a chance to practice the drama for about five hours and we found out that that afternoon that we would get to go to the plaza to perform the drama. I was incredibly nervous because I had not got down what I needed to know. It was only by the grace of God that I made it through the first drama, but it was AWESOME. Many people gathered in the plaza to watch and people gave their hearts to Christ!

The next day in my time with God, He led me to Judges 6:14: "Go with the strength you have and rescue Israel(Nueva Laredo) from the Midianites(grip of Satan). I AM SENDING YOU! Talk about confirmation from God that I was here for a purpose! The day before I did not feel worthy, I was nervous trying to get the drama down and did not want to become a stumbling block to my team or to those I was ministering to. In addition to this, I was sick.

It was as if God was saying, "HELLO--I am in control!" In my journal I wrote:

Mike, you may not have everything down and your health is not to it's fullest, but go with what you have--you have 26 other people to support and help lead--Go with what I have provided you!
Verse 15 has been your plea and here I am to tell you to GO, "I will be with you!" Yahweh Shalom--the Lord is peace--I will be your peace today and comfort today. Trust me enough to do so.

God's confirmation was so evident and his Word spoke truth to my situation! The rest of the week, I had an amazing peace!

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