Tuesday, November 06, 2007

iGo.2 with AWE STAR

This past weekend, our church hosted AWE STAR Ministries and it's iGo.2 conference. Over 100 missionaries who have served with AWE STAR came together for worship and prayer! In conjunction with this, we did our MORPH Weekend. Our students got the chance to see what AWE STAR is all about! It was an incredible weekend--everything from the worship, to the praying, to the messages, to the food and the fellowship---it was great!

I was impressed with the sincerity of worship. These missionaries are in their early 20's and teenagers! There was such truth in worship--it was great! One thing I appreciate about AWE STAR's ministry is their strong stand on discipleship. This was not a weekend where you had to make students pull out their BIBLE! It was a part of who they were. AWE STAR mission trips teach the Word, prayer, and what it truly means to be a follower of Christ.

One of our students, Andrea, went with AWE STAR to Mexico and then this past summer went to Panam for 30 DAYS! She learned so much and it is so evident in her life! My prayer is that many of our students will go on the mission field.

Some people ask me, "Why should they go overseas? Why can't they do missions here?" I personally believe students have to go overseas to see what true Christianity is--they will be able to see in real life what it really means to follow Christ--they will be put in situations that they HAVE to trust in Christ. In the states, we've created to a degree fluff. I believe that once they see the other side, their whole outlook will change--trust me, it's happened to me as I've gone to Belarus and Nicaragua. I do not think I would have really been able to appreciate it all without going on the trips. I believe they will be able to see their homes, their schools, and their friends in a different light if they go on a mission trip.

But really the main reason to go is to share the greatest message in the world--Jesus died on the cross for our sins and He rose again on the third day! Isn't that reason enough--to go to those who do not know Him?

I will be going to Nueva Laredo, Mexico December 26 through January 2 with AWE STAR! If you would like more information about AWE STAR, please check out http://www.awestar.org/.

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