Thursday, October 18, 2007

Praying for My Boys

This is one of my favorite pictures of my boys, Noah and Elijah. We took this picture at the George Washington Carver National Museum and Park located near Neosho, Missouri on our way back from our vacation back in August.

This pictures makes me think of what my boys will grow up to be. My earnest and heartfelt desire is that they become men of God....I don't say this because it's what I'm supposed to say especially as a pastor, but I sincerely pray that they become influencers for Christ.

If you have read any of my blogs, you've heard me speak of BJ Higgins( and his life. I pray that my boys become BJ's--that regardless of the cost they would stand for Christ boldly and unashamed.

I many times feel inadequate as a dad as Sarah and I try to spiritually raise our kids. I know that on a daily and weekly basis I screw up and many times they may not see Christ in me, but I pray that through all of the screw ups they know that they have a dad who loves Jesus. I pray that they will grasp who they are in Christ. I pray that they will become young men of God who are responsible and who love others.

If you are reading this, would you take a moment and pray for me--that I would be a God-centered dad and that regardless of my screw ups my boys will come to know Christ and make a difference forHim!
Thank You!


Anonymous said...

I came, I read, I prayed. I am sure you are doing a fine job. You certainly had a great example. I am not sure you can know what your father meant to me and I am sure he meant even more to you and you miss him every day.

Say hello to your mom for me!!

Thomas Riehl

Mike, Youth Pastor said...

Thanks Thomas! I hope I can do as well as dad did with me! I will tell mom I said hi--she is doing great!


Anonymous said...

Hey Little Brother,

I so much respect all of my brothers. You were a big influence in my decision to become a pastor. I worried that I could not be Dad, Pastor, and all I need to be for my boys. I looked to the examples of all 3 of my brothers. You are such Godly Men. God has blessed me with a great family. Dad would be so proud of his boys and their kids if he were here today. I imagine that he would be coming to visit each of us and coming to church with us. I picture Dad nodding off and us giving him that gentle nudge. Our dad showed us a great example of how to be a Godly father. I will pray for you bro. You are a man that I truly look up to. As thanksgiving approaches, I thank God for each of you. God has belssed me with 3 wonderful brothers, numerous nieces and nephews, and great paretns. I really appreciate all you do for mom. You my friend, are a man of God who I deeply love and respect.
