Friday, February 03, 2006

A Tribute to My Dad

I wish you could have known my dad. His full name is Floyd Dean Lehew. I apologize to all of the Floyd's out there, but why in the world would anyone name their kid, Floyd? Fortunately, my dad went by the name Dean.
My dad passed away in August of 1994. I can remember like it was yesterday when I got the call that my dad passed away. I was saddened, but was also grateful that God chose to send my dad home because he had already suffered enough.
Fortunately, I got a chance to spend two straight weeks with him right before he passed away. I am very grateful for that time....I would stay up with my dad and listen to the Gaither Vocal Band with him and the song that we always played was, I Bowed on My Knees and Cry Holy, which is such an incredible song.
My dad had all sorts of medical issues. At one time he had 1988, his first leg was amputated due to diabetes...a few years later, his other leg was amputated. His kidneys were failing so for many years, he had to go through dialysis three times a week. Eventually, he lost the use of one of his arms due to the shunt in his arm and he could barely see.
Sarah got to meet my dad once when we first started dating. That's the thing I miss alot is that he's not here to enjoy his daughter in law or his grandkids, but the time will come...right now he is in a much better place.
One thing I always admired about my dad was that he always had a great attitude regardless of the situation---even in the midst of the pain. He was always there to encourage others and me. He would always make the time to spend with me....he would always go to my ball games or my wrestling matches when I was younger and regardless of how I did, there was always an encouraging word.
One of the greatest times of my life was when I got the chance to work side by side with my dad at the milk processing plant at Cal Farley's Boys Ranch. We would package the milk in cartons. My dad taught me responsibility and allowed me to be independent....he could trust me and I appreciated that about my dad.
I wish my kids got to know my dad. I get a chance every once in a while to remind them of their Grandpa Dean and what a great man he was. I sure do miss him!
This blog is for you to get a glimpse of who my dad was, but for me it's a reminder of how fortunate I was and am to have had an awesome dad! I know there are many that are not has fortunate, so I am incredibly thankful.

1 comment:

Bryan said...


I noticed you found my blog, and now I have found yours. I would leave you my email address here, but then everyone would be able to read it. Things are going very well in Earlsboro. We have been there a little over five years now, and have no plans of leaving in the near future. The church has been and is continuing to grow, and the congregation is very loving to Shonda and my family. I'll figure a way to get my email address to you . . . talk to you soon
