Saturday, January 21, 2006

Date Day with the Kids

(This picture is of Elijah and I on Christmas Day...he's a sharp dressed guy!)

Today we had date day! It's good every so often to spend one on one time with our kids, so today, we did just that.
I took Elijah with me to Wal-Mart and he got his fix of a candy bottle.
Hannah and I had a date to Braum's. She got chocolate chip cookie dough and I got butter pecan!
Sarah and Noah went to the Dollar Tree, but ended up at Wal-mart....Noah got a Darth Vader mask.
Grace tonight went with me to Third Friday at Ridgeway....good night of worship and then we ended back up at Wal-Mart. Grace fell asleep at Third Friday and then she fell asleep in the cart when we got to Wal-Mart.
Three Wal-Mart trips in ONE DAY! Yahoo!
The kids and Sarah also today went to tour the Fire station with the Buckmaster's while Elijah and I took a good nap! It was a much needed nap!
These are great times just to spend one on one time with the kids and talk with them. I enjoyed talking with Hannah about everything about church, to our family, to school. As I sat there talking to her, I was just amazed at how much she has much she is aware of things.
I love my kids!

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