Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Praying for My Children

Being a dad is one of the most humbling experiences up to this point in my life. My question to other dads is do you struggle like I do in this role? God has placed four wonderful and incredible kids in my responsibility and I am in awe many times that God would give me much to be responsible for.
I pray today that my kids will come to really know Christ and truly live for Him. I pray that this life decision will be of their own and not mom and dad "making" them. I pray that what we do as a family around the dinner table and the small God conversations that I have, and as we go about our day living life, will have a Jesus impact on them.
Sometimes I wonder....sometimes I wonder-do they see Jesus in me or is Jesus just someone that they hear about? Is Jesus becoming more real to them each and every day through me....this thought frankly scares me for I know my heart, so I pray that they see Jesus in the minor and major things in our household.
Ray Comfort in his book, "How to Bring Your Children to Christ," made this statement:
"Are you creating children of God who will know salvation from death, or children of the devil who will know the terrors of hell?"
What a challenge...I would encourage you to read this tremendous book by Comfort if you have not will put a desire in your heart to cultivate Christ in them.

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