Tuesday, October 13, 2009

A Change of Direction for Unmerited Favor

If anyone has ever kept up with this blog much, you will have found that a majority of what has been written has been about what God has done through our ministry at Ridgeway! Sprinkled in among those stories have been blips and information about my incredible family.

A conviction came over me about how much I have written over the church and ministry....my job more than my family who so far outweighs what I do, yet it seems that I write more about my job than them. I guess I got into the hype of wanting to make my ministry and my name greater than anything else, hoping that from "wisdom" that I so selfishly thought I had would benefit the world.

From here on out, this blog will be more about my family. You will get a sneak peek into the heartfelt feelings of a dad who absolutely loves his wife and kids. You will see my struggles that I face as a dad, so this blog will remain as Unmerited Favor because I have done nothing to deserve the family that God has given me.

I ask myself many times, "What did I do to deserve such an incredible wife and kids?" The answer is, "Nothing." Fortunately, Sarah saw in me something that was worth marrying me and to her I am forever grateful. The children born to us are a daily reminder of God's goodness and grace.

Join me on this journey. I pray that you will learn from my mistakes, but also rejoice in what God is doing in the life of my family.

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