Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Jesus lives inside of me, BUT......

"Yes, Jesus lives in me, BUT if my sin keeps someone from meeting Christ, I will not die spiritually, but it may lead to someone else's spiritual death."

This was a quote from one of my good friends, Jeff Jordan. Jeff teaches our Sunday Morning Large Group on Sunday mornings. He always does a phenomenal job. This past Sunday Jeff brought to us the Scripture of David committing adultery with Bathsheba. I wanted to share some insight that Jeff brought up:

1. My sin has far reaching affects.
David's sin didn't start with the act of adultery--it started when he decided to stay back. David was where he wasn't supposed to be. David was supposed to be with his men leading the charge in the battle.
-He implicated Joab with Him. What started as David's sin, Joab became an accomplice--therefore it had a far reaching affect.

2. There will be specific consequences to my sin
The Lord considered David's sin to be evil---please know that God is jealous of His name and he holds us to our vows.
Because of David's sin, his son died a grueling death.

Other thoughts:
-Many times when we sin, we are thinking of ways to skirt the sin or get out from underneath the pressure and it all becomes about us---Instead of thinking about what consequences I will face--what about Jesus?--what consequences did he face because of my sin(He became sin and was nailed to the cross)
-Do I really believe the wages of sin is death? What position have I put God in to punish me--it's defininitely not what He wants to do--he desires to love me, but I have put him in a position he does not desire to be in--the disciplinarian. It's not his choice, but it's my choice.

My sin can keep other people from eternal life. Have you thought about that?

Jeff-thanks for the Word on Sunday--for challenging me!

1 comment:

jasonk said...

What you're writing about is something that I struggled with for a long time. I agree that my sin can become a stumbling block to those around me, and for that reason (and others) I need to strive for holiness.
But where I struggle is that by stumbling, I have the power to thwart God's eternal plan to save people.
Jesus said that all those the Father gives Him WILL come to Him. I take that to mean that if it is part of God's eternal plan to save a person, they are going to be saved, in spite of me. At least, I hope so. I'm not sure I could take that kind of pressure.