Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Jesus lives inside of me, BUT......

"Yes, Jesus lives in me, BUT if my sin keeps someone from meeting Christ, I will not die spiritually, but it may lead to someone else's spiritual death."

This was a quote from one of my good friends, Jeff Jordan. Jeff teaches our Sunday Morning Large Group on Sunday mornings. He always does a phenomenal job. This past Sunday Jeff brought to us the Scripture of David committing adultery with Bathsheba. I wanted to share some insight that Jeff brought up:

1. My sin has far reaching affects.
David's sin didn't start with the act of adultery--it started when he decided to stay back. David was where he wasn't supposed to be. David was supposed to be with his men leading the charge in the battle.
-He implicated Joab with Him. What started as David's sin, Joab became an accomplice--therefore it had a far reaching affect.

2. There will be specific consequences to my sin
The Lord considered David's sin to be evil---please know that God is jealous of His name and he holds us to our vows.
Because of David's sin, his son died a grueling death.

Other thoughts:
-Many times when we sin, we are thinking of ways to skirt the sin or get out from underneath the pressure and it all becomes about us---Instead of thinking about what consequences I will face--what about Jesus?--what consequences did he face because of my sin(He became sin and was nailed to the cross)
-Do I really believe the wages of sin is death? What position have I put God in to punish me--it's defininitely not what He wants to do--he desires to love me, but I have put him in a position he does not desire to be in--the disciplinarian. It's not his choice, but it's my choice.

My sin can keep other people from eternal life. Have you thought about that?

Jeff-thanks for the Word on Sunday--for challenging me!

Friday, November 07, 2008

New Creation from Pace Hartfield on Vimeo.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Check out this video by John Piper--he reminds us towards the end of the video of what is the most important. God already knows who is going to be our president. If we are consumed by the what if's based upon who is elected into the office of President of the United States, we have forgotten the most important thing---God is in control--God is sovereign!