Thursday, October 16, 2008


We start today our ministry projects in our community! We have about thirty students who are excited about getting out into our community. Brent Higgins challenged us last night in the Word and got us off to a great start. He talked about COMPASSION! Brent will be here again on Friday night at 7 p.m. so feel free to join us!

Through our weekend, we are wanting to teach our students two things:
1. Serving One Another Unselfishly
2. Being sensitive to the prompting of the Holy Spirit in ministry. So many times we are so scheduled that there is no room for direction from the Holy Spirit. If God prompts one of our students or adults to meet a need in our community as we drive or as we serve, then we hope immediate obedience to the Spirit's prompting will be learned this weekend.

As I write this, a group of our students are preparing breakfast--biscuits/gravy/eggs/sausage! Our students are pumped....they are sooo pumped a few of them got up around 5 a.m.(a little tooo early for me).

This weekend we have partnered with the Code Enforcement Officer, so we will be going to homes who have received complaints about their lawns and we will do somewhat of an extreme makeover to their lawns so they don't get a ticket.

We are also partnering with a community down the street from our church where we will be doing random acts of kindness and playing games with the kids. Our whole goal in this is to LOVE OUT LOUD--presenting Jesus through actions and words. My prayer is that people do not see us, but they see Christ and through that they would desire a relationship with Christ.

Thanks to the parents who are helping us this week: Ray Teague, Scott Hamilton, Brian and Melissa Shepard, Bob Alexander, and Tim and Sherry Dobrinski. Thanks also to Chris B. and John W. for coming to lead our morning devotions.

Please pray for unity among our students. Please pray that the people we minister to will come to know Christ. Pray that our eyes will be opened to the lostness of our community.

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