Tuesday, October 21, 2008

MORPH Weekend: Group Shot
This picture didn't turn out that great, but it represents the coolest group of students who gave up their Fall Break to Love Out Loud.
I am very proud of them for the selflessness! God used them in incredible ways to bring hope to the hopeless.
Our students were exhausted by the end of the weekend. I played too much football and felt my age all the way down to my feet.

Ridgeway Students are AWESOME!

--A Huge thank you to our adults who weathered the whole weekend: Megan, Bethany, Kristen, and Ray! You guys are fantastic!
--Thanks to Scott, John, and Chris for leading the morning devotionals!
--Thanks to Lisa Hamilton and our wonderful Senior Adult ladies for making the desserts!
--Thanks to Bob for cooking and for cleaning up after us--also to Aimee, Jeremy, and Christian--you guys are such a blessing!
--Thanks to Sarah and the Dobrinski's for cooking the Friday night meal!

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