Monday, July 21, 2008

We Made It
It's 1:47 a.m. in the morning and we are settled in our rooms! The above picture is William's nightly routine of cleaning his nostrils. Can you believe we only stopped twice during this 11 hour trip? I am amazed at the depths of our bladders!

Our team had a great day in the van of getting to know one another better! It was a great day! Later this morning we will check in at Wheaton College......will post more later!

A Note from our good friend Nick: NICK IS THE COOLEST EVER!!!! HES MY FAVORITE!!! GIVE HIM MONEY.....ALOT OF IT!!!!!


ChildOfGod said...

no nick you get no money! LOL you guys better rock it out there!!

love ya guys have a great time!!

Megan said...

I for one am very impressed! I'm pretty sure we should mark it down in the record books!
I'm praying even more for you guys this week!

Free2BMom said...

Amazing feat! only twice in 11 hours! You are an amazing group! Just let God work THROUGH you. I wish I was there! Continually lifting you up in prayer....