Thursday, May 29, 2008

The WOW's of Student Ministry

It's a time like this, the story I am about to share, that you realize why we do what we do for those who serve as mentors in student ministry. Many times in ministry it seems we are deep in the battle, rescuing the perishing, caring for the wounded and it's times like these that through all the attacks of Satan, we can see the rewards.

It's also times like these that we realize that it's not us that causes the tide to turn, but it's God's grace and sovereignity that causes the tide to turn. Yes, He does use us as vessels, but it is ultimately Him that deserves all of the credit.

I had lunch today with one of my students, Alexander. I've sensed in the past few weeks God doing a work in his life and today our lunch confirmed that....a different young man than what I have seen in the past six months.

A few months ago, I saw the motions of a I saw the heart reflections of a disciple as he spoke with conviction, humbleness, and repentance.

I've prayed many times for Alexander wondering what we could do better or what we weren't doing to reach this wounded student, but in time God's goodness through worship picked Alexander up and placed him on his knees in awe of who He is.

The beauty of a prodigal son returning to his first love Jesus is why I do what I do and today God gave me a glimpse of his incredible love and reminded me of what He saved me from.
Alexander, thank you for allowing me to see Christ in you. May God continue to do an incredible work in your life and may He use you to advance His kingdom!

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