Thursday, January 03, 2008

Let Me Tell You What God did in Nueva Laredo....Part I

What a great week in Nueva Laredo! I spent December 26-January 2 with a group of young adults sharing the love of Christ! God worked in my own life through these missionaries as we worked alongside to bring Hope to a lost city. I am hoping to give you a taste of what I experienced through my journal and my personal time with God, so hopefully there will be many parts to this post throughout this next week.

Wednesday, December 26.....

We left the AWESTAR office around 5 a.m. and headed to Nueva Laredo. The trip was a good opportunity for us to get to know one another. Kristen P. was my co-pilot--Josh T. was my backseat driver(not really--he helped keep me awake) Annie slept pretty much the whole thirteen hours in the back seat.

We arrived in Laredo, Texas around 5 p.m. and stopped at Sam's Club to get some groceries. All of us except Walker and Katie were in the vans. After taking a bathroom break and sitting in the parking lot for about 15 minutes, I had my window rolled down and I was looking through the AWESTAR journal. As I was reading, a lady came up to the window(scared me half to death, because I was in deep thought) and she shared a need and asked if we could help. She was trying to get to Houston to see her husband, who had cancer.

After talking with her briefly, all of the students got out of our van and surrounded her. We told her one thing we can do is pray and one person that could change her circumstances and life is Jesus Christ.

After sharing the Gospel with her, she invited Christ into her life. I tried to talk with her, but she was not fluent in Spanish, so we pulled out our card written out in Spanish to explain the Scriptures. Kristen helped to translate and she asked Christ into her life!

It was a GREAT wake up call. It was a huge reminder for us to expect the unexpected. It was a confirmation to me of my purpose on this mission trip.
Praise God!!!!!

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