Thursday, December 06, 2007

Happy Birthday Sarah!

Sarah turns the big 34 today! We(me and the kids) made a mad dash to Wal-Mart at 10 p.m. last night to get her gifts. The kids chose out chocolate, neon duct tape(Sarah's a pro making things out of duct tape), and a new purse.

This morning Noah helped me make Sarah breakfast in bed and then we headed to Guitar Center where we purchased her a digital piano. We've always had a piano in our house, but they have never fully worked and so Sarah will now be able to enjoy playing the piano along with teaching our kids how to play.

One of the greatest things I admire about Sarah is she is so unselfish. She never asks for anything. She always thinks of others. Usually when Sarah gets a gift certificate from someone she has such a hard time spending it on herself and in turn will give it to someone else to utilize. This characteristic makes it so hard to shop for Sarah because she says she never wants anything, but for years I have known she has wanted a piano that would work, so I am so excited that we were able to get it for her birthday/Christmas present.

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