Thursday, November 29, 2007

I Need Your Prayer Support

On December 26-January2, I will be heading to Nueva Laredo, Mexico for a mission trip with AWESTAR( Three other students from our student ministry along with other students from across the country are going to present the Gospel to an area that is filled with gun battles right across our border. Google Nueva Laredo and you will find the strife happening.
God has called us to go and we are going to present the Gospel through Drama. Would you pray for me and our team....if I can count on you for prayer support, could you email me at

Another mission trip I am going on is to India and Nepal on January 14-29. Our church has partnered with another church to adopt this unreached people group. We will be doing chronological Bible Storytelling to the leaders of this unreached people group. I am a little nervous, but at the same time very willing to share Jesus with those who have not heard. Please pray as we prepare--pray as we memorize the Bible stories and are able to recite these from memory to teach the leaders. Again, if I can count on you for prayer support, please email me.

If you would like to partner in any way through financial donations, please email me. Above all, I ask for your prayer support.

Thank You!

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