Thursday, October 11, 2007

Hannah's Baptism Video from September 30, 2007


Pray for BJ said...

How Awesome is that!!! Praise God for children who follow hard after God, and for dad's who get to do the baptizing!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for sharing Hannah's baptism with us! Our prayers are always with you Hannah. You have a Heavenly Father who will direct your life and take you into a greater loving knowledge of Him who gave his life for you. May your life reflect Him. Love you, Grans in Belarus

Anonymous said...

I Thank God that your daddy and I were brought up in Christ by our parents. Hannah, Your Uncle Steve and Aunt Tammy are so proud of you. I know that your daddy and mommy are also proud of you. Thank you for sharing this special event with us. I cried when I saw it. I am so excited for you. May God continue to Bless you and your family. Oh Happy Day!!! I loved the video!!!!