Friday, April 06, 2007

Happy Easter!

These are words penned by my friend, Brent Higgins. You can check out more of his website at Brent's son, BJ, contracted a deadly disease while in Peru. I for some reason am drawn to BJ's life and Brent's writings. They seem to challenge me and stretch me. If you ever get to meet Brent, you will see Jesus in Him.

If Jesus was about to be crucified today, I fear many of us would be in the crowd shouting our approval to do away with the One we claim as Savior. We are so fluid in a crowd, and so inflexible before God.
We ascend to lofty positions in the church (in our own eyes) and refuse to bend our knees in private. The attitude many of us convey is one of "Jesus is my Lord as long as it serves my purposes."
When was the last time that we really studied the Bible? I don't mean read it, I mean study it verse by verse? Are we changed when we do or do we get up from studying and walk back into the same foolishness? Do we assimilate it like a college student cramming for a final only to forget it as soon as the test is over? Does it reverberate through our lives? Does our countenance reflect the Purity and Presence of Christ or the burdened heart of a beaten down believer?
We are celebrating Easter! The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead RESIDES in your heart!!! The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead is the same Spirit that is within you! There is so much POWER in this. Not your power but His. What is He accomplishing in our lives if we are overbooked, overbusy and underbelieving?He resurrected our lives that we would walk in His power! Are we? Or are we trudging through, reflecting a life no one would want?If His Holy Spirit is in you, then yield your unbelief, your achievements, and your personal goals. Allow Him to align your will with His. Walk in the power of Christ in you! You can do His will, not by yours.

By His Stripes We are Healed! Praise the LORD!

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