Monday, February 19, 2007


As I spent time praying for my family tonight, I realized that I am the most blessed husband and dad in the world.

My wife Sarah is the highlight of my life. I am always amazed by her. She probably doesn't realize this, but I watch her...I don't watch her to catch her doing anything, but simply watch her because I wish I was more like her. Her desire for God is such an example to me and this reflects in everything she does...the way she ministers to our kids, the way she handles herself, the way she puts everything into His perspective.

There have been many times when I come home from work after a grueling day and she always has the right thing to say to remind me who is in control--God. I know I do not do enough to appreciate her, but I am trying--trying to love her as Christ loved the church....boy do I have a way to go!

We've been married for almost 12 years, but it really doesn't seem that long. Yesterday, we celebrated our dating anniversary. We have known each other for 13 years! Our first date was to a Ricky Skaggs concert and Interurban--yes I said Ricky Skaggs and yes, we were the youngest people there!

Right now, Sarah is sleeping--she has been sick with cold and stomach stuff it seems since the beginning of January. She really is the most beautiful woman in the world. I am so thankful that I have someone like her--to know that our kids are safe secure under her care.

You may not know this, but Sarah homeschool's our children. She teaches Hannah who is in 3rd grade, Noah who is in 1st grade, and Grace who is in Pre-K. Elijah is into everything. People think homeschooling is not grueling, but my wife puts her heart into teaching our kids. The main reason we chose homeschooling is because we believe God gave us children to teach them and to raise them responsibly rather than allowing someone else. Why have kids and then allow someone else who doesn't have the same values raise your kids? doesn't make sense. (I'm done with my soapbox.)

I am blessed!

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