Thursday, February 08, 2007

How Real Is Your FAITH?

A quote from a friend of mine, TJ, youth pastor at Erin Springs Baptist Church
Do you really believe what you say you believe? Do you really trust in Who you say you trust in? The reason I ask is because I see people all but kill themselves for other things like sports, band, school, work at home, or even gaming systems (I am not saying that these things are bad), even drop EVERYTHING else for one of these things but church "must and has" to take a back seat? I just wonder is "church" for some just a social and emotion experience to help them feel better and simply make them feel apart of something? Do we really have God on the mind on our way to church or some other person or activity? How REAL is your faith?!?!?!


Anonymous said...

This is a great question and I ask myself this very thing quite a bit and I have to admit, often, I don't like the answer. This is a tough thing to change for a "backslid baptist" like myself.


Mike, Youth Pastor said...

Yo, Thomas! It's definitely something we all struggle with. We have found that we have to prepare, especially with four kids, on Saturday night for us to be focused.
What a challenge, huh?
How are you doing?