Tuesday, September 05, 2006

1st Annual Father/Son Road Trip
Noah and I ventured on our first ever Father/Son Road trip. Elijah will join us next year. We went to Cal Farley's Boys Ranch for the annual rodeo and reunion as well as to visit my brother in Guymon.
Upper Left Picture: My brother, Steve, and I in Guymon. Steve is an elementary music teacher in Guymon. It was great to see him, Tammy, Brayden, and Kayden.
Upper Right Picture: A picture with Noah and a statue of Cal Farley. We went to Cal Farley's Boys Ranch, my alma mater, for the rodeo and reunion.
Bottom Left Picture: Noah at the Texas state line as we entered Texas from Oklahoma on the first day of our trip
Bottom Right Picture: Driving from Guymon to Tulsa, there is a stretch with wonderful scenery(if you can believe that), so here is Noah striking a pose.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I recognize that guy!! Tell Stephen I said hello!

It was good to see you at the Rodeo. Too bad we couldn't spend more time chatting. Maybe next year!