Saturday, April 15, 2006


Last night we watched the Passion of the Christ by Mel Gibson. It doesn't matter how many times I watch it, I still get very emotional and sick to my stomach. The gut wrenching torture that Jesus went through for me is very humbling.
I would encourage you to watch it mainly as a reminder of what Christ has done for you. I'm sure the movie doesn't even come close to what Jesus went through, but it sure gives an idea.
Throughout the week, I heard from teen students (6th grade and up), "My parents won't let me watch it because of the blood and gore." My response is, "What?" May I get on my soapbox for just a little bit. What is portrayed in the movie is reality........Jesus dying for our sins! I guess I would ask for those whose parents won't let them see it, how many have cable in their homes where godless, perverted, and violent shows are shown 24 hours a day.......not just cable but even basic television. Parents, don't you want your teens to see what Christ did for them? Students, don't you want your friends to see what Christ did for them?
Now I do believe that not all should see it especially young children...for there will be a time and place. I would recommend some grade school children get a glimpse of the death, burial and resurrection through an Easter drama.
I guess I say all of this to say.......We are here because of the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ! We will live in eternity if we are believers because of Jesus!!! It's all because of Him! Parents, you have treasures, your children, so that you can show them Jesus and lead them to Christ----they aren't in your household to just hang out!
Okay, I'm done...I'm off of my soapbox.
My last thought and then I'm done............


Monday, April 10, 2006

Belarus or Bust!

I will be heading to Belarus the last week of July for a mission trip! It is a country that is in great need of the Hope that we have in Christ.

Would you prayerfully consider supporting me in prayer or financially in this effort? If you would, please email me at The cost will be approximately $2000.

We will be teaching English and through this share the Gospel...there may be the chance where we travel around the area on bicycle sharing the Gospel.
Since Sarah and I went last year, my heart has been drawn to this country that needs Christ. Thank you for your prayers as we go!

In Christ,

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Pauline-Bringing Glory to God through Cancer

Every Sunday night our students take part in one of our ministries called C.S.I. which stands for Christians Serving Individuals. It has turned into a great ministry where we go and visit students, people in our church, senior adults and the homebound. We pray over them, encourage them and try to do whatever they need us to do.
Tonight we had the incredible opportunity to go and minister to Pauline Rigdon. Pauline has cancer....along with cancer she has a broken knee. I was not quite prepared to see the condition of Pauline because the last time I saw her....she was in great condition considering the circumstances. Pauline was in quite a bit of pain, but throughout our conversation there was much humor.
One thing that stuck with me what she said was, "I have always wondered what my purpose on earth is and I now know what my purpose is....." Of course, Pauline is referring to bringing others to Christ and showing Christ through this terrible disease that she has.
The amazing thing about Pauline is she already has her funeral service all planned out. She has already talked to Pastor Scott about how she wants her funeral service to be in great detail.
Honestly, in a way, I envy her position....she is going to see Jesus face to face very soon! Can you imagine. She is going to see the HOPE that we have waited for so long! She even talked about that---she is ready to go Home! While we were singing "Blessed Be Your Name", she praised God like no other with her hands held high....what a sight to see---Pauline who was in such pain---able to raise her hands in praise....WOW!
Pauline is one of my heroes!!!! She is making Jesus famous!
I am reminded by these Scriptures of what is ahead of us:

"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to obtain an inheritance which is imperishable and undefiled and will not fade away, reserved in heaven for you..." 1 Peter 1:3,4