Sunday, February 19, 2006

Snow Days

Friday night it started sleeting while at Third Friday. If you've never been to a Third Friday at Ridgeway at 7 p.m., I encourage you to's just a great opportunity to just pray and praise God! It's the third friday of each month!
Saturday we stayed in except our trip to Wal-mart to get some much needed groceries. Noah and I went and we also rented Star Wars III. I would say that Star Wars III has been the best episode. We started with Episode I and are making our way through each movie. Yesterday was one of those lazy days!
Today, I got all ready for church when Scott called and said that the services were canceled. It started sleeting about 8 a.m., so I hurriedly called some people to let them know! I was looking forward to worship, but then again it was great just to stay home with my family. We had church at our house around 11 a.m. after making a fire in the fireplace. Each of the kids picked a story out of their Bible and we read it and talked about each story. Hannah chose the story about when Jesus ascended into heaven. Noah chose the story about Elijah and his challenge against the Baal god. Grace chose the story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. Elijah chose to play Duck Duck Goose! :) So....we all played Duck Duck Goose after reading from the Word! It was a great day!
In the afternoon we watched the fourth episode of Star Wars and then we played Star Wars. Noah was Darth Vader...Elijah was a young Jedi and I was I don't know who. Noah got a Star Wars Light Saber for Christmas so we had saber fights. Sarah made the best potato soup today...she is a great cook!

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