Sunday, October 09, 2005

Ridgeway Student Ministry

Much of what we do as a family is done with our awesome students at Ridgeway Baptist Church. God has given us the responsibility to shepherd these students! I am always amazed each week of their faithfulness, their goofiness, and their desire for Christ!
The great thing about working with students is that they keep me thinking and on my toes. Although it can be challenging, there are far greater rewards. My desire for our students is that they become true Christ-followers--that they look at the true biblical example of what this looks like rather than the world.
My motto is that we are building up and training missionaries. They may not necessarily go on the home or foreign mission field, but whatever their occupation, our desire is that they live for Christ in that environment.
Sarah and I will write more about our students throughout our blog! I've included a photo of some of our students. It's one of my favorite pictures. The picture is taken at the end of our Annual Yuck Night which is a great night of Yucky games! Our students have a blast! This is after the all out shaving cream war! We had Yuck Night at the Hall's house--they are sooo cool!

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