Thursday, February 26, 2009

And I Quote.......

"My grandmother always said: 'God has a plan for all of us.' I should have went along with his, not mine; my plan sucked."

-Mickey Rourke, quoted in the Sun Times

Saturday, February 07, 2009

My Good Friend Caleb

You need to meet one of my friends--his name is Caleb. The thing I like about Caleb is he is not like anyone else. He is his own person and is very comfortable with who God made him to be. I thought I would share a profound quote from him.

I mentioned to him that our senior adults were commenting how they appreciated Caleb and some of our other students for making them feel comfortable as they sat in the student section of our morning worship service. They really commented on how nice the guys were and that Caleb offered his jacket for one of them to wear since it was cold.

I love Caleb's comment:
"Hey, no problem. I love those ladies. They are my homies."

Profound words from my friend Caleb--he is one fun guy!

Check out his blog at