Saturday, September 27, 2008



Sarah and I went on a date night last night and saw this great movie. We highly recommend it for all! If you are struggling in your marriage, I highly recommend you set aside a time for you and your spouse to go and see this movie! Even if you have a great marriage, it's a great reminder of our promise to our spouse!

I would love to hear what you thought of the movie. It will definitely provide some discussion for you as couples! There are some great resources for couples at

Friday, September 12, 2008

QWESTion Mark

Check out our new blog for our Student Ministry Series: Qwestion Mark.

Qwestion Mark is a forum for people to ask the hard questions about God, the Bible, circumstances in your life, or other spiritual questions.

We are on a Qwest to help you find answers. We hope this will be a tool for you and your friends as a resource to find Hope.

QWESTion Mark

Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Real Reason Why Baptists Don't Dance
From Todd Pruitt at

Was this on Saturday Night Live?