Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Random Cool Pictures of my Kids
Pic #1: Elijah wanted a mustache like dad used to have, so he created his own
Pic #2: We were getting things ready for InnerMission up at the church, so my kids decorated themselves in these cool outfits.
I Love my Kids!

My Brother and I in Chicago

This is a picture of me and my brother, Bobby(and Caleb, my nephew, in the background). Of all places we get to see each other is in Chicago at the Navy Pier. We were on Mission Trip and they were on vacation the same week, so we met up at the Navy Pier! It was good to see him and the fam!

I love my brother !

Friday, August 01, 2008

What is our L.I.T. Ministry?

We have just started a ministry in our church for 5th and 6th Graders called L.I.T. which stands for Leaders in Training. The whole goal is to disciple these students and help them find their fit in ministry. This link gives a better description of what it is and gives an idea of what we will be doing: http://www.godtube.com/view_video.php?viewkey=0f8ba5f7bbf6dfdac794

I met Clint May, who leads this ministry in his church, back at a conference in April. When Clint was talking about this, it was like the light went on. The thing I like about it is not just the serving part of it, but the strong discipleship emphasis.

We just started two weeks ago and I am looking forward to seeing how God uses our children to minister in our church. My daughter Hannah is involved and really enjoys it!