Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Happy 8th Birthday Noah!
I can't believe that my Noah turned 8 today! We had such a great time! We went to Chuck E. Cheese and he invited his good friend Jacob. We had pizza, played games, and ate cupcakes!
For his birthday, Noah got a Jedi sword, Playstation II Game--Star Wars Legos, and a Nerf game. Afterwards we went to Mardel and he got a BibleMan video!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Arabia '08-Senior High Retreat

This past weekend was our Senior High Retreat! What an incredible weekend! Brent Higgins was our guest speaker. Check out Brent's website at and Brian and Melissa Shepard were our worship leaders. Check out

The Holy Spirit's presence was so evident. Brent shared about his son BJ--you can read more from his book called, "I Will Die for You". What an incredible story of a young man who was wise for his age and who lived a life devoted to Christ. Brent also spoke about how to hear from God and then on Sunday morning shared a message on Idol Worship.

Brian and Melissa did an incredible job of bringing us into the presence of God and preparing our hearts for the Word! I have heard great comments from our students. They were encouraged and challenged as well as I.

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Planet Wisdom Conference

This is a picture of our Jr. High Group that went to the Planet Wisdom Conference! This next week we will be taking our Sr. High to Grand Lake Baptist Assembly for a retreat. Brent Higgins will be speaking and Brian Shepard will be leading worship for us!

This was a great weekend...our first official Jr. High Event. We are going to be doing more separate Jr. High and High School Events so we can better connect with each age group. Usually when we do all youth events, many of the younger ones won't come, so this weekend was a great time for them!
I love our sponsors! Thanks James, Jana, Megan, Jake, Aimee, and Sarah for spending time with our students!

Happy 6th Birthday Grace!

My Grace turned 6th yesterday! We had some of her friends over for an Italian birthday. Sarah made some aprons with all of the girls names on them, had them decorate a giant cookie that each of them took home and had cake and ice cream.

Grace is such a joy! She loves to sing, dance, and play with her dolls! She loves makeup and loves to paint her nails! She loves to pray! Sarah and I are soooo blessed to have Grace!