Friday, August 31, 2007

Mike Huckabee responds to evolution question

My vote is for Mike Huckabee-not just for this comment--but overall he is unwavering when it comes to following Christ.
A lot of people will disagree with me, but do we really think that Obama, Clinton, Giuliani, Edwards, or any other top candidate will guide this country from Christian morals or will they waver?
Our Allegiance to Christ should come before our allegiance to our government.
It's sad that we as believers have compartmentalized our faith and government. It's sad that when it comes to voting, we set aside our Christian standards.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Joel Osteen on the gospel

This video shows that Joel Osteen is wishy-washy in regards to the Gospel. He could have used this opportunity to share the Gospel, but it turns out that he is unsure of it himself. Many people are being led astray by him.

Allow me to re-introduce the Christ

Amen and Amen!

Saturday, August 04, 2007

What a Great Summer!
I don't have much time to post right now, but wanted to give a short update and let everyone know we haven't fell off the face of the earth. Church, Falls Creek, Float Trip, ministry, family and other stuff have taken place all of this summer.
Tonight Sarah and I will be meeting with a missionary from India. My pastor, myself, and another guy from our church plan on going to India in January to make contact with our unreached people group.