Saturday, June 02, 2007

Winner of the 2007 Sands Springs Fishing Derby: Noah Lehew!!

Today, Noah and I went the Sand Springs Fishing Derby sponsored by the Sand Springs Parks and he won! Noah caught a 2 lb. catfish and he won for the biggest fish in his age group(6-8) and then won the overall trophy for the biggest fish! Along with winning two trophies, he won a tacklebox and a new Zebco Fishing Rod!

The derby started at 8 a.m. and around 9 a.m., Noah caught the fish on his Tazmanian fishing pole--it wasn't even a regular fishing pole. Everyone ooohhed and aaahhed as we took it to get weighed in! It was very exciting.

Funny thing is it's the only fish he caught for the day. He had quite a few more nibbles, but nothing more than his 2 lb. catfish!

What an exciting day! I will post a picture of Noah and the fish later this week.