Monday, October 09, 2006

National Youth Workers Convention in Austin

Sarah and I just returned tonight from the National Youth Workers Convention in Austin! It was absolutely incredible! This is by far the best training for youth workers even though it can be is well worth the cost. Check out I'm going to post something short for now, but will post more later, but here's the greatest things I got from it:
1. Spending time with my wonderful wife Sarah
It's not very often that we get to go somewhere by ourselves. For us to be able to spend Thursday through Monday together was wonderful for our marriage and our ministry! I am so blessed to have a partner in life and in ministry. Our last night in Austin we walked to the Texas State Capitol and had a relaxing walk!
2. Getting away from the hecticness of ministry.
Stepping back and getting training was so refreshing. So many times as youth workers we are in the trenches and it's hard to see the whole picture, but this weekend I had a chance to seriously evaluate our ministry, where we are heading, and some things that need to change.
3. Training
I've been in ministry for 13 years, but training is always key to keep up to date with what's happening in our society and with teens. I am so thankful for our church to let me go to this conference. I would love to see other youth workers from our church go next year.
This is just a little taste of what we experienced. As I sort through what God wants us to do, I will post more later!